In reply to:

I'll tell you what, Saturn:
I'll run that test in the morning and post the results.

I have a Denon 3805 that has an auto-calibration function, and I've never liked the sound of the EQs that it provided (though it's a quick and easy way to let it set everything as a starting point).

It will be interesting to post an original plot overlaid with the plots of it's 3 or 4 auto EQ settings!

Mark: Maybe you do not like the sound of speakers that have a flat frequency response(after calibration).

I find it refreshing that you actually have laid out a real scenerio setup and quantified that the frequency response was NOT flat.

mwc: Hugs and kisses. I see that you have upped to the 1.6. Even after my Ushers .. I will be going back to planers. The midrange of planers still "to me" can't be beat by any speaker. When I sell my Ushers I will be getting the 1.6 or higher. Yes it does not have a flat frequency response. And yes it has a 60-80hz accentuated bass hump. But they sound phenominal.

To the self proclaimed "experts":
Hey boys...all those years you guys have been preaching to me and others that your Axioms has a flat frequency (yes in a controlled environment in Ottawa) has actually been bouncing all over the place. I'm not not an Axiom hater. I own and have used many of the models and love them. I just find lots of bias towards individuals who jump in and says the recent audition of Dynaudio, Magnepan, Revel speakers sound better than your Axioms. You get offended and give them a hard time. Yes they cost more two, three time more ... but its just what they observed.