Okay, so I took the time tonight to break down 4 distinct purchase directions to see what others think. They include varying up the package to get different costs. Unfortunately, all but one of them are over my $1000 budget, so obviously option one has the greatest WAF...but option 2 is only $85 over so there's a potential for convincing. So now, decisions, decisions:

Option 1:
New M50ti $700
New VP 100 $240
Package price: $940

Option 2
New M50ti $700
New VP 150 $385
Package price: $1085

Option 3
Outlet Store M60ti (4 week wait) $810
Outlet Store VP150 (5 week wait) $346.50
Package Price: $1156.50

Option 4
New M60 ti $900
New VP100 $240
Package Price $1140

As you can see, option 3 gets me, in terms of moving up the ladder, the highest level of speakers...but that comes at a price... a month long wait. I listen to significantly more music than movies and don't have the largest of rooms (I'm an apartment hopper, so room sizes change yearly), so I'm wondering if the VP100 is not only enough, but perhaps the better option in terms of sticking to my budget. I don't know.

Looking at the above, would any Axiom owners like to weigh in on what they might do considering my constraints? Is there a clear cut winner? I'm guessing, to a degree, they're all winning options...they are, after all, new Axiom set-ups. Just looking for opinions. Thanks again.