F107 and Bridgman--

First, F-Man (if I may call you that ) you are right. Sam and Noah are my two sons.

Anyhow, I have read all of those reviews of the M3, and have noted their comparisons, like in the review of the Athenas. That just makes them all the more attractive!

I do love my M22s and M2s (and my Magnepans), but I'm just looking for a set of standalone (no sub) stereo speakers for my wife's home office. Hence, the desire for the M3s.

And I got myself one of those Sonic Impact T-Amps to power this thing, so it's as much for me (in the end) as for my wife. So, unless I get an incredible deal (and I am looking at some Athenas <$100) I'll try to buy some of the M3s. I just need to be patient. I want 'em, I need 'em.

Thanks again to everyone.
