OK, since everyone knows that there is NOTHING comparable to the M3ti, I've decided that will be the solution!

Am in the middle of a transaction that should save the day. Thanks for everyone's advice/suggestions. I did research several alternatives, and almost went down a different path, but have seen the light.

By the way, I do love my M2s (which my 12 year old son now has in his room in his first stereo), and the M22s (which are in the HT set up). There are times that I wish the M2s had more bass, so that was why I was looking for the M3s for a small stereo set up.

I've got the Sonic Impact T-Amp all ready to go with a power supply, got the Dell DJ filled with tunes, and now just need the speakers. Should be ready & cranking tunes by Fri!

Take care,