Well, 10 minutes of Ascend 170s vs. Athena B1s vs. Axiom M22s.

I think the Athenas tip up the high frequencies more than the Axioms and the Axioms more than the Ascends. The Ascends and Axioms seem to be close in terms of quality, more detail with the Axioms - but someone without mild high frequency hearing loss may say the Axioms are more piercing. I like both sounds very much.

And I like the Athenas a lot as well. I can't bear to sell them so I am putting them upstairs in a large room where they may get little use.

When I switched from athenas to the ascends I thought - where did the detail go? I think it is just some getting used to the less detailed or less exaggerated high end sound.

The Axioms stay. The Ascends will stay most likely. The Athenas need to be close by so I can listen to them often. Maybe with my father in law a half mile away?

I will try to provide more detail of what I think of ascends vs. axioms - but that has already been done in a much more careful way by three guys on this board somewhere. So, I might not have much more to add. I am not really A/Bing them and I am not measuring the loudness and adjusting the reciever so that the comparsion is fair.

M22s, QS4s, M2 center, Hsu stf-1.