That Was fun!

They've made a few changes and added a dandy MTM!

The 170s still look a little dumpy, but the new finishes help that a lot!

I like your a/b set-up; I hope to do the same soon when I can manage to get my M3s into the dining room system. I just have to make a final decision on what to do with the existing surround update: Either QS8s(I'd love QS10s with 6.5" drivers if they were ever produced)or another set of M50s to replace the M3s in back. The third and cheapest route is a small sub to help with the frequencies down to the 60hz x-over point that the rear M3s are set to. Then there's the Frankenstein Jr. Center.....Oh Gads!!

The M3s work great in back and I don't really know why I should want to change, but....

Lets have a poll: Which is more fun; listening to our systems, or planning for the next upgrades?

(At my age, I can't always plan on completing the upgrades, so when I make a decision, I update my Will to be sure that the changes get made if there's a delay in shipping.)