Tom recommended the system that I would recommend for a dorm room system. I have some experience here, seeing as how I still live in a dorm myself. My profile shows my setup. I absolutely love it and for the situation I'm in, I don't think I could ask for any more (except for some QS8's but more on that later). I will be moving into an apartment come May, so my current setup will last me for a few more years until I can start saving for a house.

Being in a dorm room, I don't want the hassle of having to mount the QS8's and remove them. This is why I still use my 10 yr old ultra small radio shack book shelves. I place them on make shift stands and they have been bounced around a few times (my M22's and TV setup never gets touched, I've already warned all incomers that touching my equipment results in beatings all around ). Inconsiderate roommates and guests don't have the same respect for quality components that we do. Thats just something I would consider for your surrounds situation. But if you can swing some QS8's in your room, awesome.

Your getting started in your quest into hi-fidelity about a yr before I started to. Congratualations.