I read on one of the forums(AVS?) that only the digital amps by QSC are still made in the US, the rest are made offshore. I'm quite sure that many amp companies are subbing their work to a common denominator offshore and perhaps they have to make a few minor internal changes to skirt whatever laws apply. It was actually stated on some forums that Behringer, Tapco and QSC(GX series?) were made in the same plant, right next to each other. I've also run across a number of other amps with "unknown names" that look and spec so similar to these that it makes you wonder(sometimes they hardly give you any specs at all, LOL). I guess it doesn't really matter where they're made as long as the company(Behr, Mackie, QSC ect) stands behind them.

Half of communication is listening. You can't listen with your mouth.