I just purchased a Yamaha rx-v2600 last week - hoping that
it would be capable of handling the M80's. I noticed in the RX-V4600 thread that other receivers were listed as being able to handle the load without issue (NAD, HK, Denon, ...), but Yamaha was missing from the list. Are there any known issues with the Yamaha's? Unfortunately, I'm at the end of my budget and there's really nothing left over to spend on an external amp, for now at least.

So, hear's the question (**albeit a subjective one**), is it possible to enjoy the M80's ("loud" action movies) driven by the Yamaha receiver? I can get the M60's now and be certain my receiver can drive them without an external amp, but I don't want to latter regret not getting the M80's. I could probably be able to pick up an amp this summer - but I dont' want to wait until this summer to purchase the speakers.

I have a 15'x22' enclosed media room with a 10' ceiling. Are M60's more than enough for this size of room? I've purchased a Panny 900 and will probably use a diy screen initially, with plans to pick up a Carada screen a little later.

Here's my planned setup:

M80s, VP150, QS8s, EP350?/500? (not ordered yet)
Yamaha RX-V2600
Panasonic PT-AE900U
Carada Criterian 92-102" (not ordered yet)

Thanks for any suggestions!

- Paul