Mark - M60s
dmn23 - M60s
bugbitten - M80s
newf - M80s
pfillion - M60s
John - M80s should probably work with receiver

Ok, it looks like a tie ... unless I put my vote in! I think I subconsciously wanted everyone to say the M80s were absolutely, hands down, the best way to go (or maybe not so subconsciously).

John, thanks for the info on the Yamaha's historical difficulties. So, I'm understanding from your comments that an external amp would not be required (knowing, of course, that I'd only be able to push the M80s to about half their potential)

pfillion - thanks for the M60s nod - and if you don't mind, what made you choose the STF-2 over either the EP350/500? I'm definitely up in the air over the sub. Being my first 'real' speaker system to purchase, I wasn't even expecting to be considering an $1,150 sub.

newf - great to hear the 4600 is holding its own - I think the 2600 has the same wpc rating, so hopefully I would be able to see similar results, except maybe the mad neighbors

bugbitten - if you run without the M200s are you able to rattle the walls? cuz that's what I'm talking about!

dmn23 - appreciate your comments - I'm hoping to get the best quality sound at exhilrating loudness levels (with a good sub), looks like the M60s may very well do both

Has anyone had the opportunity to do side-by-side comparison of the M60s and M80s in a similar sized room (15x22x10)? I've read on Axiom's site that they are tonally equal (at least very close), but I'm concerned that they won't be with one less high and mid driver.

Thanks again!
