Here's some food for thought:

If you check out the site of Harry S. Dent, one of the formost economic forcasters in the US today (check out the Key Concepts section), you'll see that we (US and Canada) are indeed in for a depression in 10 to 15 years. This is because of the huge, aging baby boomers withdrawing their spending power from the economic marketplace. The next two generations are both smaller than the previous one, meaning that the economic base is diminishing, rather than growing. This is the first time in US history that such a generational situation exists. If we want to lessen this economic forecast, we'll need all the (legal) immigrants we can get to expand the economic base. It's unlikely the population will expand sufficently to prevent the depression, though.

PM me if you're seriously interested in what I'm doing to insulate myself from that depression.....

Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion: you must set yourself on fire!