To quote Michael Burkett (aka Fat Mike of NOFX)

No longer svelte, they gotta punch new holes in the Bible belt
They've blown out the fire under the melting pot, the red blood of America is starting to clot
No compromise, no sight thru others' eyes, they're just flies spreading pieces of sh*t
You gotta emigrate, stop living in hate, what makes this country great is dwelling on either side

They don't want visitors in Jesusland
They want life bland and canned in the fatherland

Makes me glad to live in a country with a multicultural society. My neighbours on one side call to each other across the yard in Polish, a language I don't understand, but I can tell the difference between "Why did you leave this in my way" and "These flowers look great here." On the other side, I hear the neighbour and his sister yelling back and forth in machine-gun German too fast for me to comprehend. Two doors down in either way are Herb, another German immigrant and Steve, who was born in Kiev. Strangely enough, even without the pressure to intergrate, assimilate or segregate - all four of them fly the maple leaf somewhere in the yard. I'm the only one born here and I don't.

I'm guessing suppertime here smells a lot better than in Teddy Roosevelt's "One language. One flag. One people" view. Kinda reminds me of another famous political figure with a funny moustache's vision.

Bren R.