
I was one of the people who posted about lack of email response. I can assure you I am not a troll. I am a serious potential customer.

I was puzzled by the lack of response and when I saw someone else had the same problem, I posted so that Axiom management would realize there was a problem. I was trying to be constructive.

Andrea has now posted that they found the problem on their end, so I guess it was worthwhile.


Like I said in my message, I wasn't calling anyone a troll, just that it is easy to jump to that conclusion under the circumstances. And as someone else mentioned, they do have a phone number to call. Toll free even! Those goofy Canadian's and their toll free number.

Seriously though, society has gotten so "unpersonal" that we all (I am VERY guilty of this too) rely so much on email, when a quick phone call (yup, means that we have to actually talk to someone) would work better and be faster.

Again, I do that all of the time, so I am just as much picking on me as anyone.

Welcome to the boards by the way!

Farewell - June 4, 2020