My experience with the Bose systems is that because they use a "bass module" instead of a true subwoofer, the Bose over-emphasize the 100Hz -> 200Hz frequencies to "trick" the listener into hearing lots of bass. It's really no different than what you'll find on boomboxes, etc.

Many male announcers boost this same rough frequency range to add "authority" to their voice...aren't we all James Earl Jones wannabees when on the mic?

Certainly, I'm not discounting the possibility of a problem with your 150, but I'm wondering if the Bose "bloatiness" of those frequencies doesn't lead your 150 to sound "thin" in comparison...more like Regular Earl Jones. In this case, it's not an issue with the 150, but rather your being used to the other sound...

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::