>>But yes, if you are a console gamer, and don't have the #1 or #2 console (which if you don't would make me question if you are a console gamer or not), then go for the PS3.

Yeah right. I work for ATI (now AMD). We did the graphics cores for Wii and XBOX 360 -- NVidia did the graphics core for PS3. You think I'm gonna buy a PS3 ?


>>1) extract raw 1080P/24 data on the disk and force a 1080P/24 output

That's an interesting point -- I haven't seen much mention of 720P/24fps -- wonder if there is such a thing ? Seems to me that downconverting BR to 720p would be something I need, since the Z4 seems to do a slightly ratty job of up/down-converting HDMI inputs.

>>I'm kind of surprised how Blu-ray's movie prices seem to have gone up recently.

I was also wondering why the BR prices seemed to be so high. HD-DVD prices had come down to the point where it didn't seem to make sense to keep buying SD DVDs, but at twice the price I'll keep buying DVDs for a while longer.

Last edited by bridgman; 01/10/08 07:02 PM.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8