On the projector - I think the Epson Home Cinema 1080 UB or the Panny PT-AE2000U are excellent choices (from all the reviews on line). In terms of screen - all depends on if you want motorized vs. free-standing. The free-standing is less money, motorized maybe a bit more elegant and out of the way. I think for free-standing Carada looks great. For motorized - check out Elite Screens - great value. If you got the space, etc. for an anamorphic - heck go the distance.

In terms of where to buy - I highly recommend ProjectorPeople.com. They come recommended by Axiom, and I've been working w/ Todd there about potentially pulling the trigger on my own setup. Excellent service. Prices are good too. Talk to them over the phone - the prices are lower than just going through the website.

Also, on a side note - ProjectorPeople sells Axiom products now - which is pretty cool.