Originally Posted By: Riker

am I right ? or am I wrong ? projector seems to need a "dedicated" room with lighting control and is 90% or more made for movies, lamps are expensive ($350 approx) and last about 2000 hours. Most projectors under 4K put out about 1000 up to 1800 lumens.. while those in the under 10K put out up to 2800 lumens..and then if you have 50K ..up to 10000 lumens..at least that is what I got from that great article that was linked in a previous response to my post by PtRyno.. Thanks..


Don't get too bent out of shape over the max lumens spec. Even with my rather bright, non-dedicated (albeit dominated), living room (big windows, open doorways to kitchen and rest of house) I still have it on the darkest setting (probably around 400 lumens). You'd have to be watching TV outside on a sunny day to need 2800! I didn't really set it up this way to extend the bulb life, it just looked better on "Cinema Black" than the other settings ("Dynamic", the brightest, looks terrible).
Lamp life is generally listed as being between 2000-4000 hrs. Mine was rated as 3000 hrs max and is now over 3700 hrs (in 4 yrs), and I do use it as my primary TV (although I watch a lot less commercial TV these days; mostly movies, dvd shows and sports).

M80s/VP160/QS8s/EP350; M22s; M3s.