Originally Posted By: BBIBH

...and hey, this board is an example of the very same tool...just a more focused group.

And that is a good point BB, however not all who use a forum as a tool start networking, sending 500 messages a day, spending hours doing it...hmm, come to think of it, Peter, do you still have your day job?

I know for some they have daily internet access, and must at least be partly bored at work to be able to take the time to read the forums, or have a lenient employer who doesn't block access to the highly used site, but at my workplace i have little time for it. We are swamped.
Between evening posting and spending the few hours each evening with the family, i choose family.
And wine.
And dinner.
And sleep.
And on weekends, yep, two or three 5 minute phone calls and voila, company i don't have to tweet to chat.

Is drinking while tweeting on twitter considered drinking alone?
I'm not sure of this new age protocol.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."