But Chess, you're still making assumptions that because some narcissistic people live on Twitter or Facebook all day, that the tool itself is bad. Don't blame the gun, blame the shooter.

I'm on FaceBook (literally) about 5-10 minutes per day. I check in twice a day to see what friends are up to. And the fact that my life IS so busy is exactly why it's a great tool to just see how and what people I care about are doing. One photography school friend just went to the Bahamas over the weekend and posted amazing photos. A childhood friend scanned and posted class photos from grade school. Yes, it's interesting to me as to how these peoples' lives are going. Just like I have friends here on the Axiom forums and am interested in them. I don't Twitter and I'm not interested in it. Pick and choose the tools that are helpful, interesting or fun.

If FaceBook isn't your thing, it doesn't make any difference to me. I have no stake in it.

But yes, I took your Paris Hilton comments as a belittling of those that use FaceBook or Twitter and as evidence of your own superiority in being above such silly things.

Reconnecting with old friends that you've lost touch with over the years is NOT living in the past, it's social. And, sorry that I can't always meet them for coffee when they're spread around the country and the world.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::