Hey, thanks for all of those tips. It's really not bad enough that I'd be tempted to go with closed headphones, and I will be doing what I can in the basement. It's just one of those things I want to do so I can get that little bit more out of what I have.

I had actually considered heavy curtains to be pulled in front of the kitchen area in the basement when it's movie/music time. I was already going to use a heavy curtain to block off the stairwell, which is going to be the only real source for outside noise. I would have liked double-paned windows in the stairwell, but my dad had already installed some others before I knew it. If I can still hear the yapping dog on that side of the house, I may have to redo those windows and that wall.

I have double-cell blinds (Bali) in the rest of the house. I can't say I notice whether or not they cut down on noise, but I know they tout it.

Anyway, I'm not going to be doing anything major in my present room, but I'll post about what happens in the basement and probably get further advice. In the meantime, I should probably let this thread get back to where it was.

Thanks again, Dean!