Originally Posted By: michael_d
I’m feeling a bit of dejavu.

Randy went through this a while back with his Emo. I suggested that he send it back, he ignored that advice. He then spent a few days / weeks batting emails back and forth with the Emo folks. In the end, he sent it back.

Now here you are, in the same boat.

Now here I am, suggesting you send it back.

You’ll ignore that advice.

Actually I have 3 days left to decide, and I haven't ruled out sending it back for a new one. Because it could be my stuff sending it into protection, or it may be the amp... what's certain is it isn't the speakers because only one time has it gone into protection while anything at all was playing. So what would the harm be in swapping this one out for a new one and see what it does, eh?

Then if it did the same thing in the next 30 days I might just return it for good.

P.S. Just wanted to clarify that I don't listen to my system full blast 8 - 12 hours a day. My fiancee works in the room with me, and while she's in here I have it playing at much more subtle levels so that we can talk back and forth and such. But as soon as she leaves to go somewhere, HERE COME THE JUICE!!!!! ;\)

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD