Mark & Chris,
When I was in college, I bought the new auto camera from Canon the AE1. Bought from a local (now out of business) shop in Winston. Back in the day the AE1 was it. I used it for years - mostly personal but did a couple of weddings for friends. I loaned it out and it came back broken :stupid: and I had a wedding request for my wife's cousin - lots of pressure. I had sent the AE1 out for repair and it was taking forever. As a last resort, I went to another local dealer, Carolina Camera, (now also out of business) all set to buy the "best" camera. I had it in my mind that Nikon was best.

I went mid day in the middle of the week to avoid customers and have full attention of the sales staff. There were several guys and one woman there and I was the only customer. All the guys were canonites and the girl was a nikonite. They were showing me pics of sporting events - the photographers row asking me to count the number of white lenses vs. the number of black lenses. The ratio was high 90's in favor of canon. I kept the scene going, telling them I was not convinced. I had never held an autofocus camera before and I was trying the Canon A2. The Nikon was a 50 or 70? Any way the lead guy challenged me to this test...there was a neon sign hanging in the window. Store was dark compated to the bright sunlight outside. The power cord was hanging from the sign. He told me to focus on the cord 10 times with the Canon and 10 with the Nikon. Whichever nailed the highest percentage on the first attempt each focus - that was the camera I should buy. I still remember the outcome....Nikon 5 of 10....Canon 8 of 10. I bought the Canon. Latest purchase is the 20D - totally happy with it. Like Chris, I have done enough weddings and ad hoc dances/sports photos to pay for the kit - albeit not the better lenses.

"A fanatic is someone who can't change his mind and won't change the subject" Churchill