Originally Posted By: pmbuko
 Originally Posted By: SRoode
LT said it before me... Snow on the ground in 49/50 states for the 1st time on record... Should we be pumping more carbon into the atmosphere to counterbalance the effect? ;\)

We (as the human race) are so small in comparison to this world. Even if a country like the USA, or Canada, China, or whomever decides to make cuts in carbon output, it will never make a real difference. Natural emissions are so much larger.

What you say is true, to a point. Natural emissions are much larger than human-caused emissions. But that's only part of the picture. Natural carbon emissions are also absorbed naturally (primarily by plants and the ocean). Nature has evolved to a point where the emission and absorption systems are in balance.

The carbon emissions human add to the mix are too much for nature to absorb. About 60% of our emissions end up in the atmosphere.

Source: http://www.skepticalscience.com/human-co2-smaller-than-natural-emissions.htm

From the site your linked:

"Skeptical Science is maintained by John Cook. He studied physics at the University of Queensland, Australia. After graduating, he majored in solar physics in his post-grad honours year. He is not a climate scientist. Consequently, the science presented on Skeptical Science is not his own but taken directly from the peer reviewed scientific literature."

It's just like every other web site you can find out there pro or con global warming. This one is pro global warming, and even he admitted he is not a climate scientist.

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