I agree with you about the disconnection from our environment, communities, jobs, families. Humans did not IMO evolve to live in large societies but rather small groups. The speed with which we have collectivized has far outpaced our ability to biologically adapt so we are all essentially a bunch of hunter gathers cooped up in a cadge of modern society with many of the issues we face stemming from our disconnection with our basic “nature.”

Science does disconnect us from our world because of it’s inherently deconstructionist nature. Something we spent a lot of time studying in sociology of science seminars was how science is just one of many ways of viewing the world. One which has yet to clearly show us what to do with all the information it provides. Despite this science has become the new religion for many people in part because of the rift that developed with the Catholic Church. Since this rift was really about power (there clergy’s fear of loosing it) science became the defacto opposition party. So now people are seeking and gaining power under the guise of science simply by using it as new form of organized religion sans a named deity.

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