The thing I like most about those who say we humans are upsetting “nature’s” balance is the presumption that we are not part of that “nature.”

Yes, we are part of nature, so any change we do should be considered a ‘natural’ change. I think this whole save the Earth movement is misleading, Earth is going to be just fine, however us… To paraphrase Carlin, the Earth has gone through much worse things than a little plastic… or CO2 for that matter.

And lets not forget that indigenous peoples lived in harmonious bliss with “nature” and each other until...

I don’t know about indigenous people living in harmonious bliss w/ nature, The Eastern Island Rapanui people disappeared because of reckless deforestation, at least that’s one theory. And if I remember correctly the Mayan or Aztec may had disappeared for similar reasons. Somehow humans have this thing that makes it difficult to do change when its survival is in jeopardy, human nature I guess :-)

I’m interested in the climate change debate but only when the debate is coming from scientists respected amongst their peers. Yes, scientists have biases, there’re human after all, but the scientific method tries to get rid of that as much as possible. It’s the best we can do.

The sailor does not pray for wind, he learns to sail. --Lindborg