My goodness this thing has been active.

I'll throw in my $.02

1. Yes Dean, the idea that man is not part of nature is a bit of an artificial construct used to shift the framing of the 'problem'. However, consider that a man, whether his head has been bashed in by a rock (nature) or splattered by a bullet (man made) matters little since it makes him equally dead.

2. Population biology. J-curve. Many organisms naturally go through boom and bust cycles. The bust, though natural, ain't pretty. Take a look at the human population growth curve over the last 200k years and tell me it doesn't look like a J-curve.

3. The truth. In reality is what you believe. Convince enough people to see it your way and you have a universal truth. Well, until the next universal truth comes along anyway.

4. Why do those dammed left wing lunatics use every weather event as proof that their theories are right? The same reason that those right wing fundamentalists use every weather event as proof that AWG is a left wing conspiracy. Its a war. In war you shoot first and ask questions lat... well, you don't ask questions.

5. Short term species, long term problem. As a species that has lived hand to mouth for the last 200K years (if you believe evolution is a truth) it is a real challenge for us to grasp a problem for which cause and effect are more than two weeks apart. By the time we find the 'smoking gun' in this debate, the bullet will have splattered our collective brains all about. Man made or natural, does it matter?

Right, carry on...


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!