Okay, I have the worst luck in the world. I got my new EP800s today, and I was very, very happy. Then I opened the boxes up and found that they're both horizontal EP800s when I have verticals. The bass will sound the same, and I wasn't using the feet, anyway, but I probably will be using the feet when I move my system. I don't really have the space to lay them down, so the holes for the feet might bother me every time I saw them on the side.

I emailed Peter at Axiom since he's the last one to talk to me about my EP800s. I offered to keep these if they offer me a discount on two verticals that I would pay for through layaway. My dream system is four subwoofers, naturally, so we'll see how much they're willing to work with me. Ha ha. I simply want to feel like I'm getting something out of having to pack all of these subs and replacement amps back up. I always intended to have horizontal EP800s if I was ever crazy enough to go to four subs, since the front one would have to go under my screen and the rear sub would probably sit under a table at the back of the room. Wish me luck, guys.

In the meantime, I'll still have to hook these up and make sure they work. Right? I can't NOT do anything with them while I wait probably until next week to hear back from Peter.