What do we have to do to get you started on hospitals and rodent traps? Might be interesting, especially if the two are intertwined.

Some wildly sucessful (and old) brandings:

The Marlboro Man
Joe Isuzu
See the USA in your...
Spicy Meatballs
Gnilla Knudson saying "Take it off, take it all off."
The Quaker Oats Quaker
Anita Bryant and OJ
Joe Namath and panty hose
Should a Gentleman offer a Tiparillo to a lady?
Where's the Beef?
Pinesol Lady
But you're soaking in it...
And one Congress had to step in and squelch recently: Joe Camel

These are the kind that have never let you forget the product, no matter the schtick or hooks.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.