Nice. I am impressed by the swift responses guys.

my listening area is smaller than I would like. I'm in a 12 by 22 room but half of that 22 is occupied by a train layout so consider it a 12 by 11.

I have poor vision so I am usually about 3-4 foot away from my screen. Also we have two computers on one side of our room occupying it. eh I will try to draw a little map. :P

[T................T(tredbike)........ ....(//}

So part of the problem stems from how I must share this space with my dad. :P He has this massive train layout which is somewhat cool, but not that space hogging cool.

In the middle we have a treadmill and exercise bike, and then there are cabinents on the back wall. I honestly think we need to move stuff out to make room for better toys. But it is hard.

Anyways so i guess my listening area is about a 10 by 12. I do not think I have room for all the surround hardware atm but maybe.

By the way do you reccomend the vp100 over the vp150 for a small area? I dunno why but the dual tweeters and three speakers on it look sweet. they are likely overkill though.

Last edited by Bakajon; 05/27/10 06:39 AM.