Say JohnK on topic that sounds very nice. I could save some dollars that way. I'll consider it.

So get some nice m22's and you reccomend the surround sound over a sub? Good to note.

Now unfortunately it seems I will need an audio amplifier. my current set up are self amped ones. I am using a bluesky mediadesk 2.1 which is a very pretty setup but I think my amplifier is about to go bad on me.

Well, maybe, you see if the rca in's on my woofer are bumped even the slightest then my speakers start humming really loud. Actually even if the speakers are just sitting there for about eight hours or so they will randomly start up, assuming I didn't turn them off.

I think there is an issue with the way they are being grounded. My mediadesk 2.1's had some fuses blow after I had got them, after several fuses I had called the manufacturer who sent me a plug that helped to prevent that from happening, but it seems like my amplifier is having some electrical issues again.

Anyways I tried new cables. I got some dayton banana plugs for my satalights and audioquest copperhead cables to try to reduce that rca noise. It didn't work so again I think I have a grounding issue.

So I was thinkin I could upgrade my setup and then take my bluesky's and put them by our second tv, maybe they would have more luck upstairs.