Originally Posted By: JohnK
Yes Micah, you continue to discuss amplification as if the maximum output capability of an amplifier had something to do with how much power is actually used, despite much info to the contrary having appeared here. At a typical comfortably loud average listening level in the mid-80s of dBs, more like 1 watt, rather than 1000, is used.

Well, except for the day that nobody else is home and you decide to crank WOTW to bask in the LFE glory. Then that other 999 watts becomes useful, at least for a fleeting moment...

From what I understand of amp ratings and design, a 1000w amp is not designed to output the whole 1000w continuously for hours on end. That is not what music content demands and that is not what engineers design to.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!