I still have my Toshiba A1 that I purchased in August of 2006, and I have about 30 movies or so. I didn't really care who won to be honest, at the time I liked HD DVD because it was actually out and movies looked good. They were the first in the lossless audio and all that, and that was cool. I have it hooked up along with my BD player and other components and if it dies tomorrow I would try to find an Ebay deal to replace it.

The only complaint I had with HD DVD was the discs are very easy to scratch. I have a Planet Earth episode that 1/2 of it will not play and I have never had this problem with any DVD (or BD) before, in fact if I look at a lot of my HD DVD's they are really in iffy shape even though I am pretty easy on things generally. I can remember people always complaining of NetFlix HD DVD's that wouldn't play for this reason. A lot of the Combo discs that came out in the beginning were defective as well.