Yes your right for the 3 months HD DVD was the sole format it was the bomb. I also agree with you on tech though you make a very good point. I bought my Samsung I8910 over a year ago and the specs on it still kills that of the Iphone 4. And most entry level Android phones kill it as well, let alone the higher end Android products like your Droid.

But I never compared today's Blu to HD DVD it was facts about then not now

Your love HD DVD I never tried to stop that. But for you to say Blu Ray was a later gen product is crazy. They were months apart

And you sir are more than welcome to ignore I find your announcing of it childish. I have not posted as much as half the people here have. But your the only one who seems to need to ignore me.

For the last 4 years its been my job to review things, so believe me when I say I drink no Kool Aid. If I did I would be fired or working at aicn.

I also want to add I never wanted to argue over Blu Vs HD DVD. I just saw somethings that were wrong and wanted to correct. I was not looking to argue, or start a flame war.
I completely understand the love for dead or losing formats. I still play NFL 2K on my Dream Cast. But if I was to hear some say the Dream Cast was superior to the PS2. I would have to correct, while the Dream Cast was my fave system. The PS2 was better in every way.

Last edited by Griffith Strife; 07/02/10 04:08 AM. Reason: added the also thing

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