Originally Posted By: ClubNeon
... I do, indeed, keep my music stored as Wave files. The only real problem with this is: there's not a very detailed metadata format for Waves.

I think aiff has more metadata than waves. I'm still not sure if I should rip to .wav or .aiff (for music on 16/44 cd format). I might want to share or make "portable" the files at some point and wave files seem to be the standard.

As someone that has seen the evolution of digital audio, I cannot believe how many formats that have come and gone. But the dust seems to finally be settling...

By the way, us music professionals have finally decided on a "standard" file format for recording/archiving. Broadcast Wave Format (BWF). Bit rate and sampling rate are still "variables" (grrr mad) but the storage format is set. BWF also has very detailed metadata.

What any other encoding of the files using software and the decoding (surround formats specifically)is up to the delivery device/mechanism that will be used. Thank god/allah/zeus!

"Art is making something out of nothing and selling it."
---Frank Zappa