i am quite interested... however, i am interested from the point of view of a stock holder... I bought aapl, 6 months before the first iphone came out @ 100$ a share... so far it has been one of my best investments... And they say "never put all of your eggs in one basket"... well i did....

However, with that being said... i am more anxious about the new Axiom speaker than the ipad, since i will be a possible buyer of the new speaker, where i have no intention of buying the new ipad.....

P.S. i just watched the video, the snap video would be pretty cool. However, i think the holographic projection is a bit over the top as well as the projected interface... Companies are working on projected interfaces, but i think that will be a few generations down the road... However!, i could be wrong....

Last edited by dakkon; 03/07/12 04:22 PM.