Oh dear lord. Listen to the voice-over guy for the Apple video. "We've taken this super awesome, higher resolution that your 55inch TV and crammed it into this small display. Your eyes won't be able to tell the difference, but it is better because we say so."

I stopped right there.

So its faster, and has some goofy named "Apple optics" camera that they say is better, (probably better than the iPad 2), crammed 4x the pixels in the display (see above) and let you use 4G-LTE. Woohoo, because I like paying for another data plan.

It is trendy, and hip, but heck, a lot of people say that Monster Cables are awesome too. Yea, I said it. You hate me now... That's too bad, because I really am a nice guy. (Maybe if I could get that Apple voice-over guy to tell you, then you would think that I am... Hmmm... I wonder what his hourly rate is.)

"The iPad3 (or HD, or whatever). Better than last year's product, and we need the income, so you should buy it."

Oh wait, I am really making enemies now. Crap...

GO ahead and buy it. I just don't think that any tablet device is good enough for what I want. Give me something that is as fast as a decent laptop, has tons of storage, good battery life, and can connect up to a corporate VPN and run work apps and THEN I would look at it. Without ALL of those, it is still a pricey toy for me. Others may get more use out of it, and that is great.

Farewell - June 4, 2020