Do not own a television. My parents gave me a second-hand Emerson when I was 15 and I threw it out six months ago b/c the green gun went out. The roommate has a nice tv (sony 36" wega or something like that) so we use it.

I'm waiting for HD to settle down. When I pull the trigger, it'll probably be a heavy-a$$ 42" HD tube television. I can't stand plasmas. We have three plasmas at work that range from 8 yrs old to 2 yrs old and they all look like crap to me...and they're high dollar's just the damn plasma...(being a video editor I'm incredibly anal about monitors - takes the fun out of television). LCD is too new. A tube televsion is "mature" technology. In one of our suites we have a professional Sony LCD critical monitor (switchable 16:9/4:3 - we shoot digibeta in 16:9 and pan/scan to 4:3 for delivery). The monitor in the other suite is a pro Sony HR Trinitron critical monitor (8 yrs old and also switchable) and looks better than the new LCD - to my eyes...more realistic chroma. Plus, I'm waiting for HD to be more available and for the formats to settle...SD starts to fall apart if you get much bigger than 36"...unless you get far enough away that you can't see the pixels.

HD looks good on the plasmas and the LCDs, but the technology is too new...I don't want to drop $2500 for something that will degrade in picture quality to a point where I won't watch it in five years (that's about the life of the plasma screen).

Enough rambling.

