(1) How big is your main HomeTheater TV?

65" Mitsubishi

(2) What kind is it - DLP, CRT, etc....


(3) Are you running HDTV content?

Yes, I pick up all of the local channels including PBS, and some Delaware channels. I also get the same channels plus ESPNHD and a couple of others off of Comcast cable.

(4) Any notable impressions/cautionary tales about big screen that the rest of us should know about?

Yes. If you buy a huge RPTV, do it before you get married. All of my friend's wives love the picture, but hate the box. Girlfriends just shake their heads the first time they see if, but then resign themselves to the fact that it was here before they were.

Also, make sure that you don't need to move it very often if you have carpet. My set weighs 360 lbs.. No way could I move it in or out of the house by myself. Fortunately, it has very nice wheels, and I have hardwood floors. It's easy to move on wood. I'd hate to try it on carpet.

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