(1) How big is your main HomeTheater TV?
-55" Mitsubishi HDTV

(2) What kind is it - DLP, CRT, etc....

(3) Are you running HDTV content?
-With the exception of a few XBOX games no. I am waiting until there are alot more channels available on DirecTV. I refuse to pay extra for service and a new receiver just to have a few channels. I'd love to be able to use my set for what it was truely intended for, HDTV, but I can wait.

(4) Any notable impressions/cautionary tales about big screen that the rest of us should know about?
-First thing is shop, read, ask tons of questions and compare. And then shop, read, ask tons of questions and compare some more. And then again and again. I did it for several months when I knew I was serious about buying. Be educated before you ever step foot in any store or they will try their best to take advantage of your big screen ignorance.
-Make sure you buy the right size set. There is such a thing as too big for your viewing distance. And when you go too big you will have not so good impressions of the pq. Also don't go too small or you will have buyers remorse.
-Don't be too paranoid about burn-in. If you are careful, and divide up your viewing sources equally, you will not have a problem.
-Once you finally buy a set make sure to get a good calibration disc. Most sets come out of the box not set very well at all.
-Finally don't buy into the hype. Every place is going to try to sell you a super-duper Plasma. You can get almost as good HD pq on a good CRT as you can a Plasma. Don't believe me?? Shop around and you will see.