Nick- don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to argue with you. You were there and spoke with the reps. I'm just going by what I've read online and what the white paper says. "If we were cross, I don't think I could bear it"

Posting schematics is easier than photos, my ceiling and M3s are painted black and it's really hard to get good photos of where everything is. I highlighted the drivers yellow so they would stand out. The red sphere is the MLP. The room is very close to these diagrams. The only major change is that the side surrounds are just behind the MLP. These pesky things called load bearing studs/door frames got in the way. The ceiling speakers are all equidistant from the MLP. 30 degrees front/back, and pretty close to that side to side.

Side View:

Bird's Eye

From the front of the room

From the back of the room

Angled (soffit removed)