To look at this in a slightly different context, imagine you had just bought some Paradigm speakers directly from the company.
Do you think their customer service would have been as fast in sending you the replacement drivers?
For that matter, has ANY company you ever dealt with before sent you so many replacement parts so quickly? Or been so easy to contact via either phone or email with near immediate response?
Axiom may have had some glitches sending you a 'clean' driver, but if this were one of ten thousand other companies instead of Axiom, you would probably be still waiting on getting that first return email from customer service.
Have some faith. Axiom will get it right soon.

In the meantime, enjoy the speaker sound. A little bit of glue on the surround will not do anything negative (assuming it is not really glopped all over the driver). Only our local snobophiles may tell you otherwise.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."