We saw the movie yesterday. Trying not to take this political I have this to say: Having read a fair bit of critism of the movie, I did not find the critism particularly warranted from either political pole. I found the movie to be a masterful work of propaganda. It is not meant to be objective and is not really a documentary.

What I found is that it primarily raises questions. At least that is how I took it. What it did for me was to remind me of many questions I have had that I had forgotten. It collapsed the time elapsed and reminded me of how many questions have not been satisfactorilly answered, it made me look at a pattern of unanswered questions. It makes me ask the big question of why is this?

I admire the skill to take a mass of both his own, and many other film clips, and put it all together in a way that compellingly holds your attention for two hours. It moves at a good pace and is quite entertaining.

I believe Michael Moore is sincere in his convictions. I don't think you have to agree with him to appreciate that he is pursueing his convictions with outstanding skill at getting people to look at issues. Even if you hate what he says you can ask yourself exactly why is that?

For me what Michael Moore does is demonstrate very grafficly what democracy and freedom are all about: The ability to speak out in full opposition and ask for answers. I think this is the core of the democratic process, as uncomfortable as it can be at times. It puts the burden where it belongs, on each one of us to to pay attention and find what is true for ourselves. My hat's off to bigjohn for going home and looking for his own answers and verification.
