I will say that I have never been able to accept the claims of one way media bias. There is enough media and bias to hear whatever slant you want. It all depends on who you decide to listen to in my view. To my mind the real media bias is in playing up whatever they think will hold attention 10 seconds longer so they can hit you with more advertising. They are terrible panderers to whatever brings in revenue, I think that's the real bias. From there it just depends on the bias group they are pandering to.

I will say that I think it was unprecedented to have a special prosecutor going after Bill Clinton for virtually the whole time he was in office at a cost of some $40,000,000. I have long thought I could convict God on something if I had $40,000,000 to devote to it. And all they could get on Clinton was lying about messing around with an intern. I will also say listening to him testify before congress, my cousin Kenneth impressed me as being as least as skilled as Mr. Clinton at evassive answers. But it all did good things for the media's bottom line, I'm sure.
