Hey Randy,

Congrats on the new room; condolences on the upgradeitis.

Somebody will undoubtedly declare that you will continue to suffer anemic midrange and harsh highs unless you buy a separate amp. Somebody else might offer that it's unlikely you'll ever use the existing dynamic power you have at your disposal and that it could not possibly matter.

Personally, my opinion is that you're probably better off spending that money doing something to make your loved ones happy than on upgrading what is already a pretty damn nice receiver.

If you get an amp, you'd just hook it up to the pre-outs of your Denon and continue to use the Denon for the processing and control, no longer employing the corresponding Denon amplifier channels.

I know that's a big room, but you won't really be sitting too far away from the speakers, and it seems to me that an honest 100 wpc would be really pretty freakin loud.

(This post offered free of charge solely as opinion based on personal experience. It is not sponsored by any manufacturer or corporate entity, and is unsupported by scientific publications. No warranty expressed or implied. Use at your own risk. Void where prohibited by law. Have a good beer.)

- Tom

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