Funny this forum has popped up while I've been doing extensive A/B testing with Large vs. Small. I though at first it a fluke with one of my receivers...but now I've had more receivers and the results are the same. Personally the best sounds for every speaker has been Large for all of them. The only problem is that this sacrifices subwoofer activity. Though my friend, who has a Denon 3805, swears he is able to get crossover activity in addition to having his speakers on Large. Perhaps...I haven't heard it yet. If this is the case, I would find this ideal as most speakers sound fuller on Large, and then maybe crossover at 60 Hz as not to get too much doubling of bass activity.

But...I don't have that option so....I'm still uncertain what I'm going to do.

"We're on the island of Misfit Toys"