Yes, it is very confusing. A google search for "LEF+MAINS" turns up a s#!t load of other folks who are confused and very little in the way of advice from the professional reviewers. I've always hated the Denon manuals. You would think that with all the product improvements they've made over the years, they would put a little extra effort in the manual .

Maybe Alan can shed some light on this for us.

For DD/DTS I simply use the "LEF" setting with the mains set to small. My main concern is 2 channel material without the .1 channel when used in direct/pure direct modes and you want mains set to large with sub output as well.

How about it Alan? What is the definitive poop on the "LEF and LEF+MAIN" subwoofer mode setting?

I live the life I love and I love the life I live.