Indeed. I have a solution, albeit a costly one. For those who don't have the LFE+Mains option, as I do not, you can use the preouts on the back of your receiver to send the singal to your subwoofer. I'm actually going to try this when I get home tonight. I have my surrounds set to small, my front soundstage set to large. I think almost all receivers will at least do a large + sub setting for your front left and right speakers.

So, I have one cable coming out of the preout sub channel, and another sub cable coming out of my preout center channel (because my sub has a stereo left/right input and I'm only using one of them now, plus the bass track is mono so it should only just add additional signals). If it works out I'll probably eventually get a sub specifically for the side surrounds. So all 5 channels can be set to large and get a sub signal. Obviously this sub can be smaller than my main one.

Again, a little costly, a little room consuming, but I imagine this is the best of both worlds. Those of you with two subs can test this stuff out now.

I'll post tonight and let you all know if it works.

"We're on the island of Misfit Toys"