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you can choose "LFE" or "LFE+MAINS. With the above configuration which "subwoofer setting" would be appropriate? Anybody?

This is a very confusing area, worsened by the lack of clear documentation from receiver manufacturers.

If you have L/R MAIN = LARGE and LFE=SUB, it is unclear where the bass frequencies go. Conceptually the two settings are in conflict.

My Yamaha RX-V1400 manual implies that if LFE=SUB (not BOTH) then bass freqs go to the sub regardless of whether the main speakers are set to LARGE.

If LFE=BOTH, then bass freqs go to whatever speakers are set to LARGE, in addition to the SUB.

Various receivers may implement this differently. It's unfortunate it's so poorly documented.

It's possible some receivers don't have the setting LFE=BOTH, rather steer bass both places with LFE=SUB and L/R MAIN=LARGE.

In general if you have a capable sub I don't see the point of redundantly sending bass frequencies to your main speakers. In theory you can get better "blending". But there's also a risk of "bass doubling" if not properly calibrated. Also an 80Hz crossover is so low I somewhat question the "blending" argument; just my opinion.

Even with LFE=SUB and L/R Main=LARGE it's not a brick wall filter at 80Hz. Usually some freqs below that go to your mains. However even that is probably receiver specific. Another area most mfgs should better document.