
I did consider Rockets, but frankly, I have heard mixed reviews about them...many Rocket Owners are just fanatical about them (which is good, and bad), while others don't undestand what the hoopla is all about. I must admit that I have not heard them in person, but they do look great as well.

One thing about the Rockets is that HomeTheaterHifi (Kris deering, in particular) sent me an email when I asked, and he told me that the Rockets were brighter than the Axioms and Swans, and given that the Swans are supposed to be brighter than B&W 704s already, then I doubt I can live with that level of brightness coming from a AV rx like mine which tends to be on the bright side anyway (Yamaha DSP-A1).

As for looks, I'm sorry man, but either you are really fanatical or you are blind....from a pure "looks" perspective, the 6.1s look waaaaaay better than the Rockets. Perhaps it is a personal matter, but the Swans have the B&W Nautilus look, where the Rockets are just an oval brick (no disrespect). I even showed these pics to some friends at work, and EVERY SINGLE ONE said the Swans look way better...again, it must be a personal preference:

Anyway, when I get them, I will test them for 30 days....if I don't like them, I will certainly return them for either the M60ti or something else.

Happy Listening....