I’ll definitely consider posting alternative suggestions to people asking for input based on them being “confused” ….again.

For the record, I do not own Rockets. I have Axioms. I have perfect vision too, so no, I’m not blind. Not fanatical about anything in particular either. I simply gave you another choice to consider, trying to be helpful within the budgetary guidelines you started this thread out with. This is the very first time I’ve ever heard of someone saying the Rockets are ugly. And as far as being bright, to the contrary, they are always considered less bright as Axioms. But I don’t own any, nor have I heard any. This is just what I’ve read – over and over. But I will have a chance to hear some this Friday and I might just post my take on this matter comparing them to my 80’s, but then again, I might not seeing how some folks have ‘unique’ ways of expressing their disagreement around here.

Maybe you just like the look of faux over real wood veneer? I don’t, although my Axioms are very nice looking speakers and the Swan look pretty nice. But then again, I don’t remember saying that I thought the Rockets looked better or worse than Swans, just that I thought they are a beautiful speaker?? Well, it’s all a personal choice anyway, and we all have that as well as opinions. How one chooses to express that is another matter though……….. Regardless of all this banter, I really do hope you enjoy your new speakers, and again, I did not intend to create any hard feelings.

I’ll be less inclined to participate in discussions of this nature in the future……that’s a certainty. I’m done and good luck to you sir.

Best regards……